I bought this game a long time ago when I was first building my first PC. It didn't even have a graphics card. It was a CPU and GPU chip. I guess I got it to save the little money I had. The game is good but I didn't have that experience because stealth games are hard to play correctly. Enemies turn around for a stealth takedown and I'll have to pull out my gun instead. Replaying the game knowing how to avoid guards and feeling like Mr. Sam Fisher is hard. The controls are odd because of the time of the game. The space bar is the interact key and the jump is the shift key. Figuring out what can and can't be jumped on is tough. For the people that PC gamed back in 2003 had like 5 games left to spend their money on after buying a $6000 PC. I usually pull up a walkthrough on the game I’m finishing but I got this man in the floor blocking the door I need to get past and walking near him my game would freeze. I’ll count this as completed because only a few backtracking was left in the game. I couldn’t shoot this floor man either. The alert sound would replay with each bullet. Odd and creepy. The image below is the freeze man.