Red Pocket Size Book

The first page talks about the final form I had for my last class. A single class during the summer. I had a missed class for my last semester. So, I took the last credit during the summer. Got an A for a simple 3-month class. The readings werenā€™t too bad.
A drawing of a flyer for a makerspace class I was about to teach.
Note on doing paperwork to begin working at Amazon. Order steel-toe shoes.
	June 13
I had to drive up an hour to take a lame exit exam that wasnā€™t written in plain English. The company that made the exam was in California. So that might mean it was a snobby English major making these questions.
I wanted to apply for jobs related to my major. Writing how Iā€™m ready to do something else. No other part-time job.
	June 16
Birthday party for a silly dude. It felt different after going to a party after graduation. I think the depression is called post-project depression. To do something to give my all and be a part of my life for so long and for it to be over. Thatā€™s sadness. It was great to be with my second family.
Page on times working on Amazon, my exit exam, and the time and date of my Arduino class at 5:30 pm.
	June 17
I discovered another maker space. I scheduled a tour on Wednesday morning. There was a lot to learn about.
Page on a random idea. ā€œNew idea in my ideas. To program board games using the rules of existing board games. The biggest thing I want is to have local servers for online play. Gamemaker is what Iā€™ve been learning. The unit engine can be the new building block. But Gamemaker is so user-friendly. Iā€™ll watch a video on how the multiplayer function works. (I found old videos on how to do it and the Gamemaker site had a video about using the companyā€™s website as a host and logging into it. Not a good idea for a real game.) Iā€™ll start with Game Maker to be simple. We have talented graduated computer science or engineers. But getting hired takes forever or they want the boy geniuses. Fuck them. Using GitHub to share code. Have a flowchart of functions. I have never coded in a group. Can remake Machikaro.ā€
	June 18
ā€œStill working on my coding and putting together my Arduino class. Woke up at 5 and couldnā€™t go to sleep. Itā€™s 2 pm. And Iā€™m pretty tired already. Iā€™ll get out of here by 7:30. I should finish up with the recording of my voiceover. About the games Iā€™ve beaten.ā€
	June 19
ā€œIā€™ll need to spend most of my time completing my finals. Shouldnā€™t be hard. Type it all up and review it Friday night.ā€
Page on RobinHood
Saw something stupid today. The stock guy (on Twitch) noticed that some stocks were going up and down based on moon cycles. So dumb but it's all random and for some reason it worked. So, the plan is to look for stocks that move the most with the moon cycles. Full moon sell, new moon buy.
	June 22
ā€œSo much in the few days. 10:30-hour shift at Amazon. And it was training. Meaning not a full exercise. My legs hurt so bad. Now my back. One hour in and no work. I wonder what happens now? The company could be nice and let us go home. A union would do that. Maybe. The Arduino class was good. Could have gone better but for a guy who never taught a class before it was well. Why need to host the class at the new library? That makerspace seems unnecessary. But they have a name to themselves to get attention. So will the page.ā€
	Page about working at Amazon
ā€œAgs5. MEM5 to 142. Only wrapped but they still loaded it. Looks like a slow few hours. 5:30 looks like a break. Odd. Looks like these flex up or down are preplanned. Maybe at the break, we will be told to leave. More than one canā€™t side-load a truck. Is the AGS5 full? Yes RDU5 is not full.
For teaching classes. I should learn all the studentā€™s names.
So odd. There is no one down my neck. No one feels in charge. Maybe since everything is new here I heard during training. I believe since Amazon had a prime day, everyone who wanted to spend money did so early. Like a spend before payday. Sad news to learn I get paid Friday. Iā€™ll have to spend money on nothing for the next 3 weeks. I need to think up future classes.ā€
	Page about future classes
ā€œB asked why should I learn Arduino. The 555 timer comes to mind. Code with that 555 timer idea in mind then do the same thing on Arduino. I can teach classes on how to use an AutoCAD system. FreeCAD. That is a class idea. Iā€™ll learn that, What is that site with all the download parts? ( Iā€™ll need to figure that out.
So odd too. 25 min breaks. 5 minutes early and 5 min late. The time feels like nothing.ā€
	Page about Amazon
ā€œMonday and Tuesday. I work the 2:30 to 6:30. I can work out tomorrow. Upper body. I guess Amazon is my lower body. For this work. Then I can get back to it. Iā€™ll just think about hanging out with friends. I should tell them lets go to the pride event.ā€
Page title The book project
Look up the Arduino funding or I can figure out how to those ICs mounted to a circuit board to put on that 3D printed box. I should go pick up my 3D filament and put it in those other vacuum seal bags so the air doesnā€™t dry them out. I can remake the box in FreeCAD.ā€
ā¦Page about Amazon and Coffee shop
ā€œVto is used when sending you home. Odd. Theyā€™ll give and take it. Itā€™s 6:00 so the likelihood of getting sent home is slim now.
Getting to that farm city coffee shop was a trip. I picked it up before I was hoping for easy parking but the pride event was happening. More fun. It is very hot and no way people who went today should be unable to go tomorrow. So better time if we go. 90 degrees with the humidity. Youā€™re dead. I canā€™t believe my arms got burnt so bad that one time riding my bike out for a few hours. Iā€™ll need sunscreen.ā€
ā€œThey donā€™t flex down. Only up. Oh yeah. Iā€™ll upload my video of the games Iā€™ve beaten to YouTube. Or I already have but need to post the link to the discord. Link the music used. Plus, the images next time. Add gifs. Dumb internet stuff. Hell, make it in Blender. AI hasnā€™t taken that yet. Who is that person (from the maker space) who makes 3D scans of objects? Can I ask for objects to be scanned?ā€
	Page on Amazon
ā€œOne of the blue coats got an alarm when I did an incorrect scan for loading the truck. Have to keep that in mind. The guy even found me when looking for me. I guess they know all. Itā€™s 7:30 and I walked around like I had something to do. For some people, it was business as usual. The unloading side of the warehouse.ā€
	June 24
ā€œ5 hours outbound meet over O_MEZ: Red. I emailed the other maker space. They got the email. Little confusing at first. Put .com instead of .org. Learned a lot yesterday. The carelessness of the homeless. The failure. Dad. Things are better now. College is complete. I keep forgetting to apply for jobs.Ā Ā Ā 
Container Staging for Red or anywhere. That means bringing the carts or wrapped boxes to the trucks. But there are no boxes. The library next to my momā€™s house opened. I could put the brakes on it. Not much seating area. I guess coffee shops are the next best idea still. Already thinking of the next video of games I have beaten. Can give an on-the-ground reporting video too. Games Iā€™m still trying to beat.
3 boxes named. That looks like I worked today. This makes one think of all the bullshit jobs we have to do. Iā€™m sure a manager looks great somewhere with my 1 employee number somewhere on a spreadsheet. What an awful life. I just wanted money to teach more classes. Maybe at the library. Go to the library crowd teaching classes. Forget helping the (charity). Teaching people will be helpful. Maybe I could rent out laptops for classes. I should do that. Iā€™ll print handouts so people donā€™t feel like they didnā€™t learn anything.
Bring pencils for them too. Have a part for questions.
	June 26
ā€œSo, Iā€™ll be dogsitting until Sunday night. I guess the thank you for it will be that shopping trip to the mall.
Still, think of how homeless people are treated and the failures of past asylum treatments.
I see that gay flag hanging on peopleā€™s front pouches. But no homeless support flag. 40 years homeless living the same existence years only mental health treatment for the middle class.
(My age) years old. My life is pretty much over? Nah.
Should I go back to the temple? He wouldnā€™t judge me. Only welcome me, I hope.
So, it got busy 2 hours in time for the 25-minute break. Iā€™m already at 13,000 steps. With 1:45 hours to go. Iā€™ll be at 15,000 I bet.
Between the stars
Going under
Going under was like a doomer fuel for the people who want a normal job with all the exciting tech of the 21st century and ends with the last dungeon being an Amazon warehouse.
My father was homeless. I forgot about that.
Eastward was a beautiful game that I had zero idea was going on besides running away from the poison goo covering the world that looks like a post-apocalyptic wasteland outside the colorful cities and towns. The combat was strange. The style of the game and story are similar to mother 3. The RPG turn-based combat is replaced with fast-paced cooking pan attacks. But thereā€™s a minigame that has turn-based combat., Swing the pan around can be more confusing than running at an enemy that, for an unknown reason does damage when touching an enemy.
	June 23
Looks like Iā€™m back to container staging. Iā€™m given a color, but it doesnā€™t matter when we are slow. But we are at a flex up. I guess that is for picks of the warehouse that are busy. Never on the flow for are to pull and stage yet. Iā€™m wearing boots and socks this time. Letā€™s see if these do better.
Those FreeCAD tutorials are going well. Did two so far. Iā€™ll be happy with one every day.
Iā€™ll download the LinkedIn app and update it. My diploma will be coming in the mail tomorrow. No reason to not start applying. I need to email E back and start making up classes.
I guess the type-up question. Explain things better. I have ideas. How late is the library open until closing? Go there after work or just show up just Sunday. Iā€™ll miss running around to find friends at (college).
On break, on hour 4.
	The box
I forgot the thickness.
(Drawing of the dimensions of a box)
Letā€™s go home and make the CAD designs.
Am I suffering? Suffer together. Iā€™m loved. Thatā€™s important to remember.
FreeCAD needs different parts Nothing is apart.
(More drawing of the dimensions of a box)
	June 27Ā Ā Ā Ā 
Hour 1 (I have listed my hours based on this made-up system. My first hour will be hour 1. Hour 5 is normally my last hour working.)
I've been given the color violet. Only one row but people say to stage for any color. I donā€™t feel like it. But there are tons of carts.
Hour 2Ā 
Iā€™ve been walking around the color given to me.
Hour 3Ā 
Looks like people have taken a lot of the containers to the pod areas. Iā€™m back at my color waiting now. Talked with the coworker from training about VTO is freely given to us if weā€™re told to go home. But my getting off of work for an hour is limited. Iā€™ll make that J shape with my lower back like that podcast said to do years ago and it seems to help with the muscles in my hips. I need to ask about payment for the classes I thought for the (maker space).
is my fee lower like a company town? Do I get a check in the mail? Iā€™ll message you on Slack. I first need coffee shop flyers for my classes. I can simply google a good example.
Message on Slack again about another class. Talk to that B guy. Said he needs an idea of what to do next. Sent the message to M. Can get started with figuring out my next class. Can teach about the maker space book and teach electronics. That 555 timer. Bring that book. Iā€™d love to teach both at the same time with a handout note.
Hour 4
10 minutes until Iā€™ll check out for 1:30 hour for lunch.
Took the dogs out. Got insoles for my boots. My brain hurting from working so much for once. Almost late clocking in.Ā 

Hour 1Ā 
Got a new role in shoe sorting. I guess that pallet maker on the gates one hundred side of the warehouse. I hope less steps. Iā€™m given the # 24-40. So I found my number. The auto chute ends with a #. 24 is my #.
Hour 2Ā 
So all the boxes have a city on them Just remember the city and sorting is easy.Ā 
AFM ā†’ Thought knowing
RME ā†’ machinery
L3 or L4
Talk with HR
The question bubble or the A to Z app has more information. Better than HR at the front desk
Hour 4
Just talked for 10 minutes about my A to Z App and got back up. Figuring out the city thing helped a lot.Ā 
L3 L4. All these levels are like itā€™s a video game. I guess I have to walk slower. Had to be trained on how to do the stacking. It was a warning but not a warning since Iā€™m new. I guess. I hope I donā€™t get a busy line 24.

Page on maker spaceĀ 
J S treasurerĀ 
Thatā€™s an idea. To do VR training.
(measures of a box)

June 29
Hour 1: staging container. Non-con. Here I didnā€™t lose my chance to ever get that job again. Looks like 5 hours. 20,000 steps here I come. Said sorry to the big dude. The training buddy wants to all around if we can just clock out at the end of our listed shift. Of yes, then Iā€™m gone. Went to a coffee shop apart from a hotel. I think the best way to drink coffee is to get it black and then pour a second cup of cream into it as cools down or tastes funny.Ā 
The other stages are walking around. The big guy who I said sorry was ready to put me on another line. So it seems easy to go work somewhere Iā€™m not assigned. It would take way too long for them to catch everyone. I guess non-con is just anything. Cool now I get just to wait at an empty colored zone. R and I played in the finals. A good two hours just chatting. Will need E to join in on us. The game is fun and has annoying flaws.Ā 
The walkers are walking. Iā€™ve seen only one container pushed to the drop zones.
Remember to keep my back arched like I told R. Wonder if heā€™ll do it. Follow my advice.
I want to figure out how to make blueprints of the box I want to make. Can look through that tutorial and use my box in place of the example piece. I might need to hide some parts or do a see-through function. TinkerCAD has the IC 555 in the useable parts. The book has a mess of wires connecting it all and a simple way would be to wire on a breadboard. Iā€™ve seen a cop connected in the center of the breadboard. I want to figure that out.
Hour 2
Glad R felt bad for my job.
Plastic stacks are only taken to a location.Ā 
Hour 3
Seems I waited an hour. Lightly doing work then it picks up
Hour 4
I guess no break at the 3rd hour. Maybe 15 minutes. No messages so far. At 5:50 we got the message and it talked about not leaving before 6:00 and returning by 6:15 or a coach somewhere will talk to us. Odd. Are the coaches going to talk to all of us? Tracking us all to know who is late.Ā 
I guess I can hang out with B tomorrow.
Hour 5
Toes hurt. The heels are fine. Said Hi to my former roommate. Think heā€™s tired of seeing me. Getting bored now.Ā 
Put at pod 4#. 317 if 3#
I always forget the 5 minutes early leave.Ā 

Page of the coffee shop.Ā 
Came to the (coffee shop). Itā€™s a feeling five-star restaurant. Wealthy white people. Stay here to walk next door to the theater for a play. I drove by the bus station. Homeless people are everywhere there. Cop car next to it across the street. This place is a bar as well. I paid for parking here. 3 dollars for an hour I guess all the old parking meters are replaced. Pay for parking on the weekends. Driving and looking for parking is a difficult skill to learn. The coffee here was good. And poor cream for the other half of the coffee, when the acid taste kicks in for internal brewing. 4 days until it would be rude to keep my wood, meant for the box at the maker space any longer.

FreeCAD is playing in hard mode. I guess Iā€™ll just ask about the forms. I had to make a mesh. Recreate mesh in the mesh in the workbench.Ā 

Idea Rā€™s game.Ā 
A wooden platform. In the middle of the woods. The platforms have small shelters on them. Could be bigger. Big freaky eyes monster. It wants to eat you. A hide from the monster's goal. Puzzle in the hiding. The goal is to unlock a gun safe to kill your character. Itā€™s a bate and switch.

July 1Ā 
Gay month is over. AR jam breaker. They care about breaks. Itā€™s the same everywhere. AR. The main line resets. But lines coming into have donā€™t. The training was just to go to the light, and clear the block package. Maybe hit the reset button. Why are four of us here? Two would be overkill as it is. They only have two parts of a line breaking. I need to look into safety earplugs that are headphones. I went to the library near my house to figure out how to print stuff. I printed out the blueprints for my box. J would gladly be welcome to help out. I still need to fill out that I9 paperwork. No idea why we are not given class. The trainer called us firefighters. Would need to give us a clubhouse.Ā 
That dumb Ā½ game I tried last night and the dumber indie dev game Iā€™m playing like a normal person. I just need to make a map that gets 100% and just keep submitting it. Or I donā€™t even need to do that. Just edit the map. Sure is dull waiting for a box fire. Need to make a small map that is 100% to save time.

(drawn up map)

A map that uses most of the space to travel around.

This might be torture. The small map wants objects. Just put spikes around the whole map. Just make and remake that as many times as possible.Ā 

I donā€™t think my location on the belts will ever jam. Thatā€™s good.Ā 
Hour 2
Amazing nothing was done. That was the funniest thing. People hiding out in the prayer room. Lower than 20 minutes of praying and need a note from HR. Noted.

Knuckle Sandwich is fun. Recording that on my desktop. Iā€™ll try my hand at making a video about it. I need to get into better horror topics. No there is horror in the non horror games. Thatā€™s the. All games are horror games.Ā 
Thatā€™s what I forgot about my CAD box drawing. What beams go where? I can remake the blueprint. How many unique pieces? What if I move a blueprint for the frame and then plywood covers? What about an exploded diagram?Ā 
(Drawing of this)
Looks a little too much. I guess Twitch blueprints will do great.
This means I will need to correctly put in measurements. in all inches is how. It can be done. Make it perfect. Okay, seems simple enough.Ā 

Hour 3Ā 
Still no need for my existence here. Maybe someday. Working in tinkerCAD. I made the Fading LED example. It seems that the 555 timer example has a better concort voltage and amp. Why is that? compositor seems to help the 555 time example. The amp and volt fly everywhere on the Arduino example. Maybe the start-up and stop-all affect the flow of electrons.Ā 

Iā€™ll email E again. I think they didnā€™t get a notice from my relay.Ā 

I unjammed one. Didnā€™t seem jammed. But still needed to press the jam button. There are green displays on the conveyor belt motors. They are displayed in hertz. Are these AC motors and are AC motors sped up and down by hertz?Ā 

What are the ideas for my classes? Simple teaching and how to are boring. I need good projects. And there are tons of them out there. Woods working from a CAD drawing.Ā 
That might be what I have to do. Make CAD designs of 3D projects. There have to be public libraries for making a circuit. I need to work with people in my classes. Then sell my time as a personal tutor. That be nice. A goal is to make sure a person learns something. Commission my time with people. Thatā€™s like a paid friend. Better than the idea.

Hour 4Ā 
Example of the Gmail. Good afternoon E. I wanted to send another email in case my relay to the last email got last. Iā€™m still interested in teaching classes at the forge and share the good news with figuring out how to best teach classes for Arduino and how complex it can be to a beginner. My first class gave me a lot of perspective about what a beginner wants to learn about Arduino and why it differs from simple circuits. As well as a beginner can become extremely overwhelmed if they lack coding and electric fundamentals.Ā 

Can I wire a controller to the Arduino? A USB of a simple NES controller.Ā 
Wait, thatā€™s a fun idea. Make controllers designed for a single game. Every button has to be used. Get creative with it. Send like Iā€™ll just be making custom keyboards. Make desktop controllers. For what game? A platformer NES style. I need to figure out how could an Arduino function as a game pass on Windows. This seems more in the realm of Raspberry Pi. Weā€™ll move that. A handheld gaming system can be made.Ā 
I saw a project about making a mouse. So it has to be possible for a controller somewhere. So many things to build with a controller.Ā 

Hour 5Ā 
I could simply have the blue printed. No way JD could mess it up. Might be too tired to make up those changes. But itā€™s so simple but annoying. I can just make a new folder and save them with the new units. Should take 10 minutes. In and out. Thinking of bitcoin. Have to sell it on the full moon. Have to pay the last month of rent. I think I could do $200. Still need to take everything out. Still need to get gas I guess there was no need to take a shower up here away from everyone. Ah, should I wait for the whole shift to line up at the 20-minute mark? Could be last minute jam. The belt isnā€™t moving on one side. Bet a man is up there and someone already left. That might need to be cleared. I can get the buzzing off a jam somewhere. I guess leave at the 5-minute left mark.Ā 

July 2
Hour 1
Jam breaker again. Thank god. I can write. They are installing the huge fans. But theyā€™re not stopping. But here. Stomach full. Rushed to get here. Just to do the jawbreaker again. Messaged E about doing the game and for that Rā€™s game. can code name it the Rā€™s game. 5 of us here instead of four. These jams donā€™t stand a chance.Ā 

Whatā€™s the plan for the Rā€™s game? Weā€™ll code together. Can use GitHub Desktop. Leave to code with unity. I need to teach more classes. Just stick with it The mouse-making project.Ā 

I forget all about my original idea for teaching classes. Buy tech. Break it open and about it. That can be as simple as breaking open electricity from a thrift store. Electric breakdown videos. They remake it with an Arduino. Has to be hand-held. Because I donā€™t know s as hit about electricity safely. Toy breakdown videos. Had to press the reset button twice so far.Ā 
Letā€™s take apart controllers and learn whatā€™s inside. Controller king. Gaming is big. Arduino-style mouse and keyboard. That be fun. People love custom keyboards. Wonder how good I could get at it.Ā 

So there is a platform surrounded by woods. Letā€™s have a circle around the square platform. On the platform is a radio. Repair it. A jam radio. Try and find a signal to try and call for help. There can be multiple endings.Ā 
Hour 2
It's the sensors being dumb. No jam but keep going off. I guess this is why someone is up here all shift.Ā 

There are eyes of the monster in the woods. It just watches you. The player could have a flashlight. To flicker on and off at it. The platform will be dimly lit enough to not need to walk around with it on. Could make it where you can only stand still when using it. Or just walk slowly. The more things you try to do the slower you walk. That could be the idea of interacting with the monster. When you see the eyes, the player will get chills and begin to move slightly slower. having a blue border around the FOV. That will signal to the player that they have been spotted. The light will burn the monster. Thinking of some type of shadow monster like a wolf. And when the wolf gets closer more faces come out of the darkness. Thinking around a monster that has like that he's a gun that will shoot out lights as the player progresses. Ch1 The story begins with the player running in the woods. The trail leads to a radio tower. No power. The player is given a quiet moment.Ā 

Hour 3Ā 
The task is to find the generator and fill it with gas to the side of it. It would be cool to have objects float to act. The show monster now knows where the player is. An event happens where the player has to run inside. The player doesnā€™t have a flashlight, so the moonlight could have enough light for the player to see. Shadow faces appear in the woods around the woods. A cutscene plays of the front door having power. When at the door, itā€™s locked with a voice that's only static like a radio. The player is let in with a close call. The player discovers a ham radio without power. The breaker is outside and the player finds a flashlight by the door before leaving. The flashlight doesnā€™t work unless a monster is nearby. The player has to shine a light on the monster. The player will have to flip on the breaker and turn on the radio tower. Once inside. The player will have to find a radio station playing anything and ask for help. There could be an office to look for a station to get help with random lore files. Going through a list of the stations. While hidden ones exist. Getting the station that can help the player will inform them that there is an underground tunnel and bunker the player can find.Ā 

Hour 4Ā 

Rain clouds will cover the moonlight. The power will cut out and the player will have to turn the generator back on. Sample but this is when a shadow with a gun shoots the player's flashlight when opening the door. A type of button was changed. Letting red flood light be the playerā€™s only light source The goal now is to find the tunnel without the power. The player has to run to the end of the hall and enter the code to the tunnel stairway. Running to the bunker. There will only be a gun. The cut scene plays. With the human shadow getting closer the player shoots. The shadow only flinches from the light. Keeps walking at the player. The cutscene ends with the player putting the gun to themself.Ā 

If all the hidden stations are found. A flare gun is found in the bunker instead. The game continues with the player fighting back out of the radio house to the rescue of a helicopter spotlight on them.

Hour 5Ā 
Great job today. Thursday is the 4th of July and the Amazon plantation is still up. Time and a half is what we may get. That's nothing to Amazon. When I get home I just want to sleep. Maybe I could pick up my wood for the box. Iā€™ll just wait and hope for a call. Before they throw my stuff away. Just use a drill and screws. Iā€™ll play more of that 112 game. What was the platformer's idea? All platformers suck that is simple jump games. Just have as many options as possible. Bullets in a gun. spells with random powers are the bullets.Ā 

Make robots that are controlled by a controller. Make fun controllers for pc games. That was the plan. Apply for jobs. See what I can get. Save up for a master. Just apply. Go on indeed. Two applications a day. Who are my references?Ā 

July 3Ā 
The woodshop is closed in the maker space. Thats okay. Just pack the wood in my car. Sunday Iā€™ll have to come back. Go on the forge website. Make class. Max at 8. Average 3 hours. Material cost in the document. 6 week lead.Ā 

Ohm law triangle. The RGB light: DC R 2v-2.2v, G/B 3v-3.2 volt 20mA

There seems to be an example code built into the Arduino IDE. I should figure these all out. There is a simple to bootload on the Arduino IDE. Burn bootloader. I donā€™t see this done like this. It's all circuit to bootload on there. I can buy a USBTiny. This can burn code into ATMega.Ā 

Made the clay mockup of the flower. Tired row.Ā 

July 6Ā 
Hour 1
I have container staging. First hour slow then nonstop walking. In the morning I went to a hotel. No, a downtown fancy apartment cafe coffee shop inside the lobby. The coffee was okay and a fancy white lady about my age sat across from me. Feeling a maybe waiting for me to talk to her. I couldnā€™t. Poor me. Here is a rich-looking lady. Nothing in common. I guess that came down to how it would never work. Suffering is more in the mind than the body. I should have just because weā€™re in a public environment. What Hasan. Talk with whoever.Ā 

3D print that dumb watch that looks like it's for a kid. People always wanted to talk about that. Have stupid things Iā€™m making to talk about. Make things to talk about, do things to talk about. That's how I can explain the flower. People like stuff, buy something that doesnā€™t exist. I modeled the flower from clay. A mock-up of small details came to mind. I need to measure the neck of the jar for the base to fit in. I made the part for my watch in FreeCAD. Maybe there is hope for the flower parts. The flower stem and head should be fine in blender sculpture. I want to add leaves to the steam to add solar panels on the leaves like a real plant. They might need to make packets in the leaves using freeCAD. And to make holes for the wires. Iā€™ll need to buy a special type of battery that is rechargeable. Need to figure out how a solar panel works.Ā 

Hour 1
Just pushing carts. Should buy headphones that look like earbuds The real ones wouldnā€™t care. Seems thatā€™s how it goes The dolly people only take the pallets and people who donā€™t care will push the carts. A little rest since I donā€™t have a dolly. But the car loader or whoever is grabbing a lot of the empty ones.

Hour 3

There will be a lot soon. I can see carts ready to be pushed but never scanned over here yet. Take your time.Ā 

Hour 4
Doing something weird with breaks. Doing them in waves. Of course to better catch people taking theirs too long. Wave 1: 5:45 Wave 2: 6 The Team just gave me a # whatā€™s stopping me from talking to another team lead and asking again. And they say wave 1.Ā 

Hour 5
Looks like someone stole my scanner loop. I took someone elseā€™s. I guess thatā€™s a great way to see how long someone has been here. Their stuff has been stolen. Those little clips. Theyā€™re hidden around and I guess hours will happen again. Just look on the ground and Iā€™ll collect them. Like a game.Ā 

For the flower the jar. For the small jars that are downstairs. The diameter is 73mm for the jar. With a depth of 115mm. The circumference is c=2 pi D = 2 pi 73 = 197

Printing the first demo of the flower. This is to check if the wires fit. What improvements will need to be made? That is a fun idea for coffee shop interviews. Could I have someone online to help?Ā 

July 8 Show 89k DD145 Jam breaker. Hour 1 I guess I get to do a lot of writing. A flag hangs up at the front of work. Makes me think of a South African or American country. I have my book ready for pickup. Iā€™ll be using area programming to make circuits. That can be a YouTube video. The belt with the big laser scanner is called the simulator. Might be too tough to sneak in my AirPods around here. It shouldn't jam at all since I put the trash can in the fucked up spot, I guess boxes still get caught on the hole part. Amazing idiots built this. There's someone else up here with me. Real shame.Ā 

Hour 2

So it looks like there is a team of people picking up large boxes into those boat pole carts. Looks like I do a lot of writing too. The notebook is filling up. Empty thoughts. I guess I got them all out. Iā€™d like to go to the gym. But Iā€™ll need to eat beforehand. Working out at the last hour theyā€™re open isnā€™t too bad. Just feels rested instead of enjoying it. Maybe I should do light-leg days. The shoulder pain has gone away. Thinking of how that circuit's program will work. Using Blender and adjusting the units has made it easier to print. Didnā€™t even need to plug in the models into FreeCAD. I guess making parts with sizes beforehand. Like the IC chip, I can make that in FreeCAD. Iā€™m sure existing models can be found on Google. I slept in today for 2 hours. Bed at 9 to 10. Iā€™m sleeping my life away. Food. Fast forward to more exciting parts. Things are good now besides Amazon. I might just like sleeping and doing stuff in the early morning while well-rested. Iā€™ll need to make a mockup of the circuit using that Arduino chip and then order all the tools and parts I need. Can get that stuff the next paid day. I only have $90. Donā€™t work to go lower. The sensor I wanted to use is a type of heat sensor. Maybe a simple noise sensor. A mic. No. A laser sensor that triggers the LED. That will work through glass.

Hour 3Ā 

That seems like extra programming. When is the laser now the default value? Know when it changes? Maybe having the heat sensor on top of the glass jar with the heat sensor will have to do. It shouldnā€™t look too ugly. I just need something That is something to do in the future. Make it in clay. Measure it and work it in 3D. Thats it. Buy over-ear hearing protection and put my earbud in one ear. Because the foam ones do make my ears itch badly. I can go to Ace and pick one up. Theyā€™ll know but I can hope they donā€™t care. I canā€™t let other people know too. They could become trainers and figure it out. Boxes seem to be busy now. Just need to get those headphones. And Iā€™ll be less bored.Ā 


No thoughts. Feeling tired. But still need to head to the gym. Who cares if I stay up a little later? Those automatic toilets and sinks. How do they work? Can I program them or are they preprogrammed? Iā€™ll have to look that up. It seems like a simple DIYĀ  idea to put a solar panel on a jar. I can add more. Can something easily be unsoldered? Why have two solder irons for the class? Just need one and everyone watches and learns. I guess I can get a cheap one and have the class slowly learn from each other. So Iā€™ll buy what I need. Soldering iron, solder, soldering fan. I need to figure out what those grids are that I can solder on. Those four things are all I need. Everything else is parts. I can buy those chips. 10 of them. Iā€™ll need to figure out improvements. Based on my 3D-printed flower. I think a better design for the base would be to have a spring top design.Ā 
(Drawing of the base design)
The person can look inside and see what they soldered. The blueprints they follow. So it looks like a drawstring bag got stuck in the belt.Ā 

Hour 5

Odd Iā€™ve been a jam breaker so many times. Iā€™m feeling good enough for the gym. Iā€™m just standing. No pushing or pulling. The best time to go work out is after work. That laser motion sensor seems hard but I have no idea. Iā€™m sure there is existing code somewhere I can simply plugin. That's an idea. Amazon has the raw power to give whatever people want. The way to beat raw power is with technique. 3D print something with a circuit print inside it as well. A robot arm to weld all the parts together. Place it in where it's needed 3D print chips. Could such technology exist as common as the 3D printer of today? Another goal in life. Why would it be possible/? Maybe just load up the needed parts. Indie games using old graphics. Tech using odd electric parts will be the future too. A public library of useless plastic. But to make with a circuit. That's a game charging. G code with a robotic arm loading the circuit in the plastic. Feeling good. Iā€™ll go eat and go to the gym. So it's less than an hour guess I will need to rush.

July 9

5 hours. Unknown volume. Shoe sort 1-9. I guess that's the first belt volume 89k. I printed the flower. The base fits perfectly in the glass jar. Weā€™re dead. Thereā€™s a tornado. The new story about all those people who died at an Amazon warehouse. 5 people. I guess I lived a good life. I want to make the base shorter. Hard to see the flower. Could make them hollow to let the glow shine more.Ā 

Hour 1Ā 

Hope I can stack better. Just donā€™t go too fast.Ā 

Hour 2

Doing well. Nothing fucked up yet. I guess. Just hop around.Ā 

Hour 3Ā 

Things are slowly going.

Hour 4

Things are slow. Picking up. I guess the truck people figured out how to unload quicker. Feeling sleepy. Trying the vending machine Ibuprofen. Iā€™ll feel the power of meth or kid aspirin.Ā 

Hour 5Ā 

Lower Back hurts. Bladder hurts. Maybe from walking so much or my scanner hitting me in the area too much. I feel sick. It is that aspirin I took? Itā€™s like a deep stomach pain. Well, I have tomorrow off. Then begins my 10-hour shift. The mornings are easy. Hopefully, I get an easy job. Maybe that aspirin was too old. I donā€™t feel it. Good lord. The carts ready to be pushed are lined up. I should try and get morning shifts. Less work, fewer people. Rest in the day to look forward to. Donā€™t think they have anyone loading carts.

July 10 Apply for Grad school. I can talk to F for a letter of recommendation. Statement of purpose. Iā€™m good as an engineer to be confident to learn and improve my education by all practical means within community resources. My degree with T has given me the greatest beginning knowledge to build upon and the motivation to continue so with academic success. There are classes. I have taught a plan to teach out of local maker spaces. For the class project. I can have a simple Attiny IC programmed with an Arduino. I forgot about going to the gym. Iā€™ll go at 7. Thinking of work for tomorrow. Sunday blues. It would be so bad. Just pop the aspirin between the five hours and Iā€™ll be good. I only have $20 to my name and my shopping cart is full of elections I need.Ā